
Saturday 26 March 2011

House videos Uploaded! - David

Each Of Our Individual House Videos Are Up!
(Including The Shitty Audioswap Tracks)
But Nevertheless, It's an Achievement !
The Videos Are Up On The Channel
- David

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Our story - Marty

Ok, so basically we're 4 dudes who somewhat randomly decided to make a blog dedicated to what i think is the best game i have ever played, And I've played quite a few.
So anyways i should probably introduce myself, I am Marty, As it says up there ^ ...
The other three are Derek, Declan, and David They will sign the top too when they post so it's easy to tell who's saying what, We will tell you stories and show you pics of MineCraft and our experiences playing it...
And we will sign off at the end too...
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